International Academy of Hadith Book Transmitters
Warning! Starting from 07.10.2024, registration for the course "Kutub al-Sittah" has begun (the course duration is two months).
(To receive Ijaza for Kutub as-Sitta (Sahih Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Nasa'i, Ibn Majah))

All the main books of hadith collections
Get your isnad for all the main books of the Sunnah

Salim al-Hilali
Rustam Ismail
Program of the Third Semester:
Reading of Sahih Muslim (read by Salim al-Hilali),
Muwatta of Imam Malik (read by Sheikh Samir Murad),
Sunan an-Nasa'i (read by Sheikh Yusuf Alilawi),
Mustadrak of Hakim (read by Rustam Ismail)
For Hafiz, education is free of charge.
All mosque workers (Imam, Naib Imam, Muezzin) pay only half of the tuition fees.

During your study period at the Academy, you will also read (but not in full) the following books, for which you will also receive an isnad that traces back to the author of the book:
Musnad of Imam Abu Hanifa
Sunan Ibn Hibban
Sunan ad-Daraqutni
Mustadrak al-Hakim
Sunan al-Bazzar
Sunan al-Bayhaqi
Musnad Ibn Abi Shaybah
Some Ijazas Already Obtained by Our Students:
Convenient time
The reading of books takes place in the evenings, which is convenient for those who study or work.
Well-known teachers
All the Sheikhs have some of the shortest Isnads reaching back to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Sending Isnad by mail to your address
After each course, the listener receives an Isnad for each book with the seal and signature of the Sheikh, which is sent to the address you specify. In Jordan, you can receive Isnad from the hands of the Sheikh.
Support in three languages (Arabic, English, Russian)
If you have difficulties or questions, contact directly via the provided phone numbers in your convenient language (Arabic, English, or Russian).
in Arabic
Khamza +962796114329
In English
Shamil: +962777437877
In Russian
Abu al-Hasan: +962770726488

If you did not find answers to your questions, please ask them in the form below
All courses last 6 months.
All sheikhs have continuous Isnads, reaching back to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Everyone who completes the course receives from the sheikh an Isnad for each book with a personal seal and signature, and the right to pass this book onto others.
Yes, you can choose the book you want to listen to. Regardless of how many books you listen to, one or several, the cost remains the same.
Each of the sheikhs regularly conducts free book readings, gives lessons. Each of them has their own channels for teaching. You can join groups on social networks and, of course, listen to hadith readings and other lessons absolutely free of charge. However, reading Hadiths in our academy implies the issuance of an Isnad with the sheikh's seal and signature, its delivery to your country to your address, a systematic process and regularity of classes. Therefore, the academy's closed groups are only intended for registered knowledge seekers.
This is "مجلس الرواية", you just need to listen
Yes, if you have not found a convenient way to pay, please contact support in your language.
Listening to the reading of books offline is not currently available.
Isnad is a tradition and a distinctive feature of the Islamic religion. At present, the presence of Isnad does not speak to the knowledge of its holder. However, the desire to have your own personal Isnad, to insert your name into the chain of transmitters, reaching back to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the continuation of the tradition of oral knowledge transfer, encourages people to seek knowledge in this way.
Yes, you can pay immediately for one course (6 months).
Not necessary, but preferable
Join us!
Become one of the transmitters
of the books of hadith
Isnad is an important tool in the field of Hadith studies, the science dedicated to the study of Hadiths, and it helps to preserve and transmit the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad over the centuries. Book reading takes place online. Hurry up to sign up for the course.

Abu Nuseer Po BOX 541386 Amman 11937 Jordan
If you have questions, send us your message
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