Translation of Sheikh Abu Osama Salim bin Eid Al-Hilali
His lineage and his attribution: He is the Salafi, Athari Sheikh, Spring of Sham, the author of the unique methodical classifications and precious scientific investigations; Salim bin Eid bin Muhammad bin Hussein Al-Hilali; attributing to the Bani Hilal tribe, whose roots extend to Najd in the Arabian Peninsula, then the ancestors migrated and settled in Beersheba, and after the Palestinian Nakba, they settled in Hebron where the Sheikh was born.
- His birth: He was born on (1377 AH = 1957 AD).
- His family, upbringing, and his pursuit of knowledge: He grew up in a pious household, he and his family migrated to Jordan in (1387 AH = 1967 AD) due to the effects of the Jews' war - May Allah curse them - and settled in Jordan, where he completed his formal education, completed his studies at the College of Science, then studied Arabic, then Islamic studies. He began his pursuit of Sharia knowledge at the age of seventeen, which was the beginning of his meeting with Sheikh Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani - may Allah have mercy on him - in Jordan; as a result of Sheikh al-Albani's debates with the Takfir group, then he continued meeting with Sheikh Nasir al-Din al-Albani, and traveled to him in Damascus in early (1978 AD) where he attended his lessons at the time; in the explanation of the book ((At-Targhib wa At-Tarhib)) by al-Mundhiri. He read to the Sheikh the beginnings of his book ((Purification of Shadows)); especially the issues of establishment, oneness of existence, and attributes.
The Sheikh traveled to Pakistan and met its scholars; where Sheikh Ata Allah Hanif authorized him, and Sheikh Badiuddin al-Rashidi, and his brother Muhibuddin, and Sheikh Muhammad Abduh Falah, and Sheikh Hasan Abd al-Ghaffar. And he traveled to Hijaz and met Sheikh Hammad Al-Ansari, Sheikh Ibn Baz, Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen - may Allah have mercy on them -, and Sheikh Abdul Mohsen Al-Abad - may Allah protect him. He corresponded with Sheikh Muhammad Taqi al-Din al-Hilali of Morocco - may Allah have mercy on him - in (1403 AH).
- Famous of his sheikhs:
1 - Sheikh Al-Alama Al-Muhaddith Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani - may Allah have mercy on him.
2- Sheikh Al-Alama Abdulaziz bin Baz may Allah have mercy on him.
3- Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaymeen, may God have mercy on him.
4- Sheikh Hamad Al-Ansari, may God have mercy on him.
5- Sheikh Ata Allah Hanif, may God have mercy on him.
6- Sheikh Muhib Al-Din Al-Rashidi, may God have mercy on him.
7- Sheikh Badi Al-Din Al-Rashidi, may God have mercy on him.
8- Sheikh Muhammad Taqi Al-Din Al-Hilali, may God have mercy on him.
Praise from Scholars: Many scholars praised him, including Sheikh Muhammad Nasir Al-Din Al-Albani, may God have mercy on him, and Dr. Rabi Al-Madkhali, may God guide him, as Sheikh Salim Al-Hilali introduced Sheikh Rabi's book ((The Method of Ahl Al-Sunnah and Al-Jamaa in Criticizing Men, Books, and Sects)). He was also praised by Sheikh Muqbil bin Hadi Al-Wadi'i, may God have mercy on him, in his book ((The Exit from the Fitnah)) (page 185): ((Assume that you have defeated the people of Sunnah in Yemen; the advocates of God; then what will you do with Brother Salim Al-Hilali, owner of the Islamic groups? …)).
Also, Sheikh Bakr bin Abdullah Abu Zaid in his book: ((Distortion of Texts from the Misunderstandings of People of Whims in Argumentation)) (93-94) said: ((… And distortion is a common disease among all those who exaggerated and followed their desires. It has many examples that have been pointed out by the scholars of the era, and the sons of the time in various countries, in the heart of the Arabian Peninsula ((Saudi Arabia)) and in Egypt, the Levant, India, Pakistan, Morocco, and others, including: ... Sheikh Salim Al-Hilali; in his book: ((The Smooth Spring)) )).
Sheikh Muhammad Umar Bazmoul, may God preserve him, said: ((Sheikh Rabi bin Hadi is the spring of Hejaz, Sheikh Muqbil Al-Wadi'i is the spring of Yemen, and Sheikh Salim bin Eid Al-Hilali is the spring of the Levant)).
His Da'wah Efforts:
1- One of the founders of (Al-Asala) magazine, its editors, and writers.
2- Founder of the Imam Al-Albani Center for Methodological Studies and Scientific Research and was its director
3- Held scientific and fatwa sessions.
4- Participated in Islamic conferences, Da'wah meetings, and scientific courses; in many countries around the world, multiple times; such as: America, Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, France,… and others.
5- He had several articles in the (Muslims) newspaper.
6- He was among the five scholars participating in the discussion with the Takfiris; in order to reform the situation in Algeria. See: (Al-Qabas) Kuwaiti newspaper issue 9544 - (8 Shawwal 1420 AH) corresponding to (14/1/2000 AD).
7- He founded, with his friend Dr. Khaled Al-Janahi, Al-Sadiqah newspaper specializing in bringing the sciences of the Prophet's Sunnah closer
His compositions and verifications: exceed two hundred printed messages and books and more than one hundred manuscripts and dozens of messages under research and preparation; most notably, authoring:
1- ((Encyclopedia of Sharia Prohibitions)).
2- ((The Joy of Viewers in Explaining Riyad Al-Saliheen)).
3- ((Islamic Groups in the Light of the Qur'an and Sunnah with the Understanding of the Predecessors of the Ummah)).
4- ((Why I Chose the Salafi Methodology)).
5- ((Insights of the Honorable Ones in Explaining the Narrations of the Methodology of the Predecessors)).
6- ((Relaxation of Eyes in Correcting the Interpretation of Ibn Abbas for His Saying - Exalted be He -: [And whoever does not rule by what God has revealed, they are the disbelievers]. Narration, Knowledge, and Care)).
7- ((The Method of Moderation in Criticizing the Interpretation of Shadows and Explaining what it Contains of Sufism, Refusal, and Rationalism)).
8- ((Sufficient for the Memorizers, Explanation of the Awakening Introduction)).
1- ((Al-I'tisam)).
2- ((Sharia Manners)).
3- ((Remembrances)).
4- ((The Pouring Rain)).
5- ((Gift for the Newborn with the Rulings of the Newborn)).
6- ((The Equipment of the Patient)).
7- ((The Speed of the Eager Wishing to Check the Book of the Actions of the Day and Night by Ibn Al-Sunni)).
Many of his books have been translated into many world languages
May God guide our Sheikh and all Muslim scholars to all good and may God benefit the countries and the servants with them.